Introduction to the concept and structure of DSLR

  1. Introduction to DSLR:

    Digital photos are created with light. A DSLR camera captures light through a lens and directs it to an image sensor.

  2. Image Sensor:

    Composed of small optoelectronic cells, the image sensor converts light into an electric charge, forming a digital signal and creating an image.

  3. Pixels and Resolution:

    Images consist of pixels, with resolution indicating the pixel count. Higher resolution means more detailed images.

  4. Exposure Triangle:

    The exposure triangle (aperture, shutter speed, ISO) controls light entering the sensor, influencing photo brightness and clarity.

  5. Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO:

    Aperture: Controls light with a large aperture letting in more light.
    Shutter Speed: Determines exposure time, with longer durations capturing more light.
    ISO: Adjusts sensor sensitivity; higher ISO suits low-light conditions but may introduce noise.

  6. White Balance:

    Manages photo colors by setting white balance according to different lighting conditions.

  7. Save Format:

    Digital photos are saved in formats like JPEG and RAW, each with unique characteristics for storage and editing.