Choose Aperture Value

Apature Focus
  1. Select Aperture Priority Mode:

    Find and choose "A" or "Av" mode on your camera dial, known as aperture priority mode. The camera adjusts exposure by prioritizing the aperture setting.

  2. Choose Aperture Value:

    Select aperture values based on lighting conditions. Small numbers (e.g., f/2.8) mean large apertures, allowing more light. Start with small numbers in low light.

  3. Understand Depth of Focus:

    Small apertures create a deep depth of focus, capturing the entire scene. Large apertures result in a shallow depth of focus, emphasizing the subject against the background.

  4. Adjust Aperture for Lighting:

    In dark environments, use a large aperture for more light and brighter photos.
    In bright conditions, opt for a small aperture to control exposure.

  5. Exposure Metering and Adjustment:

    Check the exposure metering on your DSLR to gauge how your current aperture setting affects light.
    Adjust the aperture as needed to maintain the desired exposure level.