How to use your lenses

  1. Mounting and Replacing Lenses:

    Align the lens' white mark with the camera's red mark and rotate to attach. Turn off the camera when changing lenses.

  2. Focal Length:

    Check the lens' marked focal length, indicating magnification. Example: 50mm is a standard lens with medium magnification.

  3. Aperture Value and Adjustment:

    Adjust aperture with the lens' ring or dial. Large aperture (small f-number) lets in more light; small aperture (large f-number) lets in less light. Utilize features for special effects.

  4. Autofocus:

    Use the lens' autofocus (AF) mode by pressing the shutter halfway or a specific button for automatic focusing.

  5. Manual Focus:

    Some lenses offer manual focus control. Rotate the focus ring on the lens to adjust focus manually.

  6. Image Stabilization (IS):

    Use IS or VR features to reduce hand shake. Apply as needed based on the shooting environment.

  7. Lens Features and Uses:

    Understand each lens's unique characteristics, including wide-angle, telephoto, and macro lenses. Know the purpose and appropriate situations for each.